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Atopic eczema is the most common type of eczema (dermatitis) that results in a pruritic erythematous rash and usually affects flexor surfaces.

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Describing lesions

  • Lesions
    • β€˜There are multiple papules and vesicles with an erythematous base distributed over the flexor surfaces.’
    • β€˜These range in size from 1-6mm.’
    • β€˜There is some evidence of lichenification and scaling but no evidence of secondary infection or eczema herpeticum.’
    • β€˜These lesions are consistent with atopic eczema.’

Differential diagnosis

  • Other types of eczema

If allowed to ask patient questions

  • Personal/family history ofΒ asthma, hay fever, eczema

Types of eczema

  • Exogenous:Β irritant contact, allergic contact, photocontact/photosensitive, photo-allergic
  • Endogenous
AtopicMost common and described here
SeborrhoeicGreasy/scaly erythematous rash around nose, ears and scalp
AsteatoticCracked skin, often on lower limbs
DiscoidCoin-like lesions
Pityriasis albaPink scaly patches that later leave hypopigmentated areas of skin
PompholyxItchy blisters on hands and feet
VaricoseAssociated with chronic venous insufficiency; affects lower limbs


  • Atopic individuals/families
    • Asthma
    • Hay fever
    • Eczema


  • Topical treatments
    • Emollients and bath/shower substitutes
    • Corticosteroids (e.g. hydrocortisone, mometasone)
    • Calcineurin inhibitors (e.g. pimecrolimus, tacrolimus)
  • Others
    • Identify and avoid allergens
    • Antihistamines for persistent pruritus/sleep disturbance
    • Phototherapy if other treatments fail
    • Antibiotics if secondary infection


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What may exacerbations in eczema be associated with?

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  1. Dermatological skin exam
  2. Eczema exam
  3. Eczema history
  4. Find more here

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