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Dermatology spot diagnoses

What is the spot diagnosis from the image above?

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What is the spot diagnosis from the image above?

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What is the spot diagnosis from the image above?

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What is the spot diagnosis from the image above?

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What is the spot diagnosis from the image above?

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What is the spot diagnosis from the image above?

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What is the spot diagnosis from the image above?

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What is the spot diagnosis from the image above?

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Picture references

Guttate psoriasis: 2010 Bobjgalindo, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International (, 3.0 Unported (, 2.5 Generic (, 2.0 Generic ( and 1.0 Generic ( license and GNU Free Documentation licence 1.2 (,_version_1.2). Sourced from:

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