Ask yourself throughout if the pathology is:
By the time you get to the sensory exam you should know what you are expecting to find and use it to confirm or narrow down differentials (see neurology differentials).
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Test one joint at a time and compare sides. Always support the joint being tested with one hand (use it as a lever). Use all your strength!
Shoulder abduction (C5) | Patient should abduct their shoulders to the horizontal plane with flexed elbows. Now push them down. ‘Don’t let me push your arms down.’ |
Elbow flexion (C5/6) | Patient should bring arms into sagittal plane with elbows flexed. Hold the elbow with one hand and try to pull away at the wrist with the other. ‘Hold your arms like this, as if you are boxing. I’m going to try and pull them away – don’t let me.’ |
Elbow extension (C7) | In the same position, try and push their wrist towards them. ‘Now I want you to try to push me away while I hold your wrist.’ |
Wrist extension (C6) | Patient should hold their arms out straight while making fists and extending their wrists. Stabilise their wrist with one hand and use the dorsum of your other fist to try to push theirs down. ‘Hold your fists out like this. Now I’m going to try to push your fists downwards – don’t let me.’ |
Finger extension (C7) | Patient should hold their arms out straight with fingers extended. Stabilise their metacarpals with one hand and use the dorsal surface of your other hand’s extended fingers to try and push theirs down. ‘Hold your fingers straight out. Now I’m going to try and push your fingers downwards, don’t let me.’ |
Finger flexion (C8) | Interlock gripped fingers with the patient and try to open their hand. ‘Grip my fingers and don’t let me open your hand.’ |
Finger abduction (T1) | Patient should spread their fingers. Try to push their little and index fingers inwards with your fingers, using the same digits as the ones you are touching. ‘Spread your fingers. Don’t let me push them inwards.’ |
Thumb abduction (T1) | Patient should hold their palms facing up and point their thumbs up to the ceiling. Try to push their thumbs down into their palms. ‘Don’t let me push your thumbs down.’ |
5 = full power
4 = some resistance
2 = gravity eliminated
1 = flicker of muscle contraction
0 = nothing.
Hold the tendon hammer by the end of the plastic rod to make a pendulum-type swing. Ensure the patient is fully relaxed. If you cannot elicit a reflex, ask them to close their eyes and grit their teeth when you strike the tendon. Reflexes may be brisk (UMN), normal, reduced (LMN) or absent.
Biceps (C5/6)
Supinator (C5/6)
Triceps (C7/8)
Finger-nose test
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For pain and light touch, first show the patient how each should feel on their sternum. Then start distally. If there is distal sensory loss or if from the motor exam you suspect ‘glove and stocking’ sensory loss, test from distal to proximal in 2-3 straight lines. If distal sensation is intact, or if from the motor exam you suspect nerve/nerve root pathology, test dermatomes ± peripheral nerves:
Pain (spinothalamic)
Light touch (dorsal column)
For the modalities below, start distally and only move proximally if the patient cannot feel it:
Proprioception (dorsal column)
Vibration (dorsal column)
Temperature (spinothalamic)
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What is the differential diagnosis for a bilateral proximal weakness?
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Name some conditions associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. Name some other causes of a median nerve palsy.
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What are the causes of a radial nerve palsy?
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What are the clinical features that would suggest motor neurone disease during the upper limb clinical examination?
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