Commonest causes: carpal tunnel syndrome, distal radial fracture, penetrating forearm injury, pronator teres syndrome
Commonest causes: compression at elbow/cubital tunnel syndrome, fractures, Guyon’s canal/ulnar tunnel syndrome
Commonest causes: humeral shaft fracture, compression over spiral groove/Saturday night palsy
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Phalen’s test
Test: reverse prayer sign for 1 minute
Positive test: causes pain and paraesthesia in median nerve distribution
Tinel’s test
Test: tap median nerve at its course in wrist
Positive test: worsening paraesthesia
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Which hand muscles does the median nerve supply?
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Which hand muscles does the ulnar nerve supply?
Which hand muscles does the radial nerve supply?
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What can cause damage to the ulnar nerve and how would this present?
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What are the different management options for carpal tunnel syndrome?
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A patient presents to ED with chest pain and this trace. What would you do?
Interpretation management