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Glasgow-Blatchford scoreΒ (pre-endoscopy)
Rockall score (post-endoscopy)
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Treat the cause/reduce the risk of re-bleeding:
Reference: NICE βCG141 Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding in over 16s: managementβ 2016
How does terlipressin work in a variceal bleed?
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What is a TIPS? How is it undertaken and how does it work?
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A patient has a TIPS and then becomes confused. What has happened? What is your initial management?
Hepatic encephalopathy is a common complication of a TIPS procedure. Management is supportive with lactulose and rifaximin. Learn more about complications of cirrhosis here.
A patient presents to ED with chest pain and this trace. What would you do?
Interpretation management
Only under senior review will Terlipressin be given.
FY1; ABCDE Fluids to keep patient stable. If hemodynamically unstable give o neg blood.