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Post-operative general surgical patient review

Summarise the patientโ€™s case 

  • Demographics: name and age
  • Operation: days post-op, type of operation, reason for operation
  • Planned management: check operation note to ascertain post-operative plan, patientโ€™s stage in plan, why they are still in hospital

Investigation results review

  • Latest bloods and trends
    • Inflammatory markers (WCC, CRP) โ€“ may rise for first 2 days post-operatively but should fall after that
    • Haemoglobin 
    • Electrolytes
    • Other relevant blood results
  • Other new investigation results

Patient assessment 


  • Any symptoms or issues?
  • Eating and drinking? How much?
  • Bowels opening? If not, passing flatus?
  • Pain controlled?
  • Mobilising?

Nursing charts

  • Observations:ย review current condition and trends on observation chart/temperature spikes
  • Fluid balance chart

    • Urine output
    • NG/NJ outputย (if used for drainage)
    • Drains output

  • Stool chart
  • Food chartย and note current oral intake limitations (see spectrum below)


  • Tubes in situ

    • Drains:ย e.g. Wallis drain, Redivac negative pressure drain, Pigtail drain etc.ย As output decreases, drains are usually โ€˜cut and baggedโ€™, then removed when output has decreased to insignificant amounts (e.g. <25ml/d), whereupon the site is covered with a bag. This is later removed and the wound dressed when dry.
    • Wound catheters:ย a local anaesthetic delivery system to provide analgesia โ€“ remove when pain controlled
    • Urinary catheter:ย TWOC when fluid balance stable and patient is able to mobilise and control urination
    • Central line:ย remove when no longer needed
    • NG/NJ tubes orย parenteral nutrition lines:ย remove when not needed for nutrition or drainage
    • Patient-controlled analgesia:ย remove when oral analgesia is likely to control pain

  • Drain quantity and outputย (e.g. serous, bloody, chyle etc.)
  • Woundsย (pain, erythema, discharge, leakiness)
  • Focussed system examinationsย as relevant

Plan and medications review

  • Make plan (including further tests/management)
  • Review current medications (donโ€™t forget about VTE prophylaxis!)


The aim is to get the patient back to normal and then home. Take into consideration:

  • Oral intake: may be limited in first few days post-operatively but is increased gradually if there is no distension/vomiting/nausea; if the patient is passing stool/flatus; and if there is no limitation due to bowel anastomosis

Oral intake spectrum

  • NG/NJ with free drainage (i.e. NG/NJ is open-ended and will continually drain stomach contents into bag)
  • Spigotted NG/NJ (where a bung is placed into the end of the NG/NJ) ยฑ โ€˜2/4/6 hourly drainageโ€™
  • NBM
  • Sips
  • Clear fluids limited to ml/hour, e.g. โ€˜20sโ€™ (i.e. 20ml/hour), โ€˜40sโ€™, โ€˜60sโ€™, โ€˜100sโ€™
  • Clear free fluids, e.g. water, tea without milk etc.
  • Free fluids (anything liquid โ€“ includes soup, milk etc.)
  • Light/soft diet
  • Normal diet

  • Analgesia: aim to gradually reduce as tolerated (e.g. patient-controlled analgesia โ†’ tramadol + paracetamol + Oramorph PRN โ†’ paracetamol)
  • Tubes: take them out when possible 
  • Fluids and fluid balance: adjust to achieve good balance; reduce IV fluids when oral intake is adequate
  • Nutrition: consider supplementation (e.g. Fortisip drinks and multivitamins) and dietitian input. Consider NG feeding or parenteral nutrition if patient will not be eating within 7 days.
  • Any evidence of infection or other post-surgical complications requiring investigation/intervention
  • Correct electrolyte abnormalities
  • Mobilise: patient needs to increase mobility until they are at their pre-morbid level of independence. Consider physiotherapist input.
  • Medications: change to oral when possible
  • Breathing: ensure patient is breathing properly to prevent post-operative atelectasis/chest infections. Encourage deep breathing, keep pain well controlled (as this limits inspiration), and consider saline nebulisers and chest physiotherapy.

Other tips:

  • Do not overuse IV fluids! If the patient can tolerate oral fluids then maintenance bags are rarely required (see prescribing notes on fluids).
  • It can be difficult to build and maintain good patient relationships when you are busy and have a long list of jobs to do. Some tips:
    • Introduce yourself properly
    • Check what they like to be called and use that name throughout the consultation
    • Ensure you check for their concerns/questions at the end

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