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OSCE learning

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OSCE Stations

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OSCE learning

Everything you need to know for OSCE finals

Ad free

Mapped to GMC curriculum

Includes key guidelines from NICE, resuscitation council, relevant professional bodies

Reviewed by experts in respective fields

Viva questions to test your knowledge at end of all learning topics

Links to relevant OSCE stations


Mapped to the MLA

2000+ question bank

Closely resembles questions you’ll encounter in your written exams

Created in conjunction with our partner, the medical education publisher Taylor Francis

Includes all content from 9+ Taylor Francis books worth over £120, complimented by updates and questions from the OSCEstop team

OSCE Stations

250+simulated OSCE stations

OSCE stations from recent Medical School exams

Includes photos, sounds and videos of real pathology

Stations fully interactive with electronic mark sheets

Includes interpretation: ABGs, CXRs, blood tests and ECGs

Simulated cases based on real patients for authenticity

Personalised feedback and statistics


Track your learning by signing off learning when you’ve completed it

Detailed statistics based on your learning

Track your performance compared to other users

Use your statistics to focus on your problem areas

Access to premium support

Suggest new learning, stations and QBank questions

OSCE learning

Everything you need to know for OSCE finals

Ad free

Mapped to GMC curriculum

Includes key guidelines from NICE, resuscitation council, relevant professional bodies

Reviewed by experts in respective fields

Viva questions to test your knowledge at end of all learning topics

Links to relevant OSCE stations


Mapped to the MLA

2000+ question bank

Closely resembles questions you’ll encounter in your written exams

Created in conjunction with our partner, the medical education publisher Taylor Francis

Includes all content from 9+ Taylor Francis books worth over £120, complimented by updates and questions from the OSCEstop team

OSCE Stations

250+simulated OSCE stations

OSCE stations from recent Medical School exams

Includes photos, sounds and videos of real pathology

Stations fully interactive with electronic mark sheets

Includes interpretation: ABGs, CXRs, blood tests and ECGs

Simulated cases based on real patients for authenticity

Personalised feedback and statistics


Track your learning by signing off learning when you’ve completed it

Detailed statistics based on your learning

Track your performance compared to other users

Use your statistics to focus on your problem areas

Access to premium support

Suggest new learning, stations and QBank questions

OSCE learning

Everything you need to know for OSCE finals

Ad free

Mapped to GMC curriculum

Includes key guidelines from NICE, resuscitation council, relevant professional bodies

Reviewed by experts in respective fields

Viva questions to test your knowledge at end of all learning topics

Links to relevant OSCE stations


Mapped to the MLA

2000+ question bank

Closely resembles questions you’ll encounter in your written exams

Created in conjunction with our partner, the medical education publisher Taylor Francis

Includes all content from 9+ Taylor Francis books worth over £120, complimented by updates and questions from the OSCEstop team

OSCE Stations

250+simulated OSCE stations

OSCE stations from recent Medical School exams

Includes photos, sounds and videos of real pathology

Stations fully interactive with electronic mark sheets

Includes interpretation: ABGs, CXRs, blood tests and ECGs

Simulated cases based on real patients for authenticity

Personalised feedback and statistics


Track your learning by signing off learning when you’ve completed it

Detailed statistics based on your learning

Track your performance compared to other users

Use your statistics to focus on your problem areas

Access to premium support

Suggest new learning, stations and QBank questions

Find your answers here

Find your answers here

Will I get a copy of the OSCEstop textbook?
Nope. This isn't included in the price of your subscription. You can purchase a copy of our book from the links above.

The website contains all the information from the book with the most up to date content. In addition to the OSCE learning, you will get access to all 150+ OSCE stations and OSCE viva questions
Can I buy one part of OSCEstop?
Nope. Your membership gives you access to everything on the site including all our: OSCE learning, OSCE stations and Qbank.

This is because each part is complementary to each other!
How do I use the stations?
We have designed the stations to be used in small groups. This can either be in a group of 3 people (1 examiner, 1 patient actor, and 1 student) or a group of 2 (combined examiner/actor and a student).

We advise practising under 'exam conditions' in order to get the most out of the stations.
Who do I contact if I need support
After logging in you will have access to a support section for account issues and to suggest a feature.

Or you can email hello@oscestop.education
Is this subscription suitable for physician associates, advanced nurse practitioners, paramedics and other allied health professionals?
Yes! We have lots of allied health professions tell us how useful our platform is to their education! Our learning, OSCE stations and Qbank feature a broad range of topics that are applicable to healthcare. However, we cannot guarantee the site will cover all the content you need for your exams.
Is this subscription useful for pre-clinical students?
Yes! We have lots of topics that cover core topics that you need to prepare for exams in pre-clinical years. Our Qbank includes lots of questions on anatomy, physiology and basic sciences. Our learning and stations include commonly examined topics including examination and histories essential to pre-clinical years.
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