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Vitiligo is a chronic patchy depigmenting skin condition due to T-cell-mediated melanocyte destruction.

Suggested approach to vitiligo osce station

Describing lesions

  • Areas of depigmentation
    • β€˜There are multiple well-demarcated patches of depigmentation in a generalised distribution.’
    • β€˜They range in size from 1-4cm and have irregular borders.’
    • β€˜These lesions are flat and there are no secondary features.’
    • β€˜These lesions are consistent with vitiligo.’

Differential diagnosis

  • TineaΒ versicolor
  • Post-inflammatory hypopigmentation
  • Pityriasis alba
  • Scarring
  • Tuberculoid leprosy
Depigmented skin lesion


  • General:Β avoid sun and use strong sun cream (sun-exposed areas will not tan but will burn), avoid skin trauma
  • Screen for other autoimmune diseases
    • Thyroid disease
    • Pernicious anaemia
    • Diabetes
    • Addison’s disease
  • Cosmetic camouflage creams
  • Topical corticosteroids (e.g. clobetasol, mometasone)
  • Topical calcineurin inhibitors (e.g. tacrolimus)
  • Phototherapy

Try a question or two to test yourself

Which other conditions may vitiligo be associated with?

What may trigger vitiligo lesions?

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What is a halo naevus?

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Dermatological skin exam OSCE station

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