- Wash hands
- Introduce self
- Ask Patientβs name, DOB and what they like to be called
- Explain and obtain consent
- How long been trying
- Any previous investigations
- Any medical treatments
- Previous in vitro fertilisation attempts
- Coitus frequency
- Difficulties
- Relation to fertile days
- Pain
Want to find out how 99% of people passed their exams?
The partners
Consider each separately:
- Age
- Occupation
- Body mass index
- Previous children (same or different partner?)
- Smoking and alcohol use
- Current medications
- PMHx
Womanβs gynaecological health
- Current symptoms/problems
- Gynaecological system review: discharge, pain, abnormal PV bleeding
- PCOS symptoms: hirsutism, greasy skin, obesity
- Prolactinoma symptoms: galactorrhoea
- Gynaecological history (MOSC)
- Menstrual history
- Obstetric history
- Sexual history
- Cervical smears and contraception history
- PMHx (especially abdominal/pelvic operations, past STIs/PID, previous subfertility Ix/Tx), DHx, FHx, SHx
What are the causes infertility?
Try a station
- Subfertility history
- There’s loads more similar stations here!