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Explaining scope procedures

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Explain what the procedure is

Explain the reason for the procedure


  • Oral intake

    • 6 hours before – clear fluids (sips) only
    • 2 hours before – NBM

  • Also

    • Coagulation test
    • Stop antiplatelets 1 week before (unless high risk, e.g. drug-eluting stent)
    • Stop warfarin 5 days before (Β± give LMWH)
    • Stop direct oral anticoagulants 48 hours before


  • Midazolam sedative (β†’amnesia)
  • Lidocaine spray/gel to the nose, throat and windpipe


  • No eating/drinking 2 hours after as throat still numb
  • No driving, alcohol, operating machinery, or signing legal documents for 24 hours
  • Keep someone with you for 24 hours
  • Arrange follow-up


  • Lung damage/collapse
  • Infection
  • Bleeding (haemoptysis)
  • Sore nose/throat
  • Sedation side effects
  • Pneumothorax


Explain what the procedure is

Explain the reason for the procedure


  • Oral intake

    • 6 hours before – sips of water only (sips)
    • 2 hours before – NBM

  • Also

    • Stop acid suppressive medications 2 weeks before


  • Lidocaine throat spray or midazolam sedative (β†’amnesia)
  • Continuous suction
  • Air passed through scope (β†’fullness, belching)


  • Arrange follow-up
  • If had throat spray

    • No eating/drinking 2 hours after as throat still numb

  • If had sedation

    • No driving, alcohol, operating machinery or signing legal documents for 24 hours
    • Keep someone with you for 24 hours


  • Perforation (<0.1%)
  • Bleeding
  • Infection (aspiration pneumonia)
  • Sore throat
  • Dental damage
  • Sedation side effects


Explain what the procedure is

Explain the reason for the procedure


  • Oral intake

    • 2 days before – low fibre diet (no bran/roughage)
    • 1 day before – clear fluids only after light breakfast
    • 2 hours before – NBM

  • Also

    • Sodium picosulfate sachet afternoon before and morning of the procedure
    • Stop iron tablets 1 week before, and constipating agents 4 days before (e.g. codeine)


  • Midazolam sedative (β†’amnesia)
  • Digital rectal examination prior to scope insertion
  • Air passed through scope (β†’bloating, you may feel like you need to go to the toilet)


  • No driving, alcohol, operating machinery, or signing legal documents for 24 hours
  • Keep someone with you for 24 hours
  • Arrange follow-up


  • Perforation (0.1%)
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Sedation side effects

Flexible sigmoidoscopy

Explain what the procedure is

Explain the reason for the procedure


  • Oral intake

    • 2 hours before – NBM

  • Also

    • Phosphate enema 2 hours before (can be self-administered at home)


  • Digital rectal examination prior to scope insertion
  • No sedation required


  • Arrange follow-up


  • Perforation
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Abdominal discomfort

Flexible cystoscopy

Explain the reason for the procedure


  • None


  • Anaesthetic jelly
  • Water passed through scope


  • Home after passed urine
  • Arrange follow-up


  • Bladder damage (hole)
  • Bleeding (haematuria – normal for a few days)
  • Infection (UTI)
  • Dysuria
  • Urethral stricture
  • Retention
  • May need temporary catheter afterwards

Rigid cystoscopy

Explain what the procedure is

Explain the reason for the procedure


  • Oral intake

    • 6 hours before – clear fluids only
    • 2 hours before – NBM

  • Also

    • Normal pre-operative assessment (including stopping anticoagulants/ antiplatelets – see pre-operative assessment)


  • Usually have anaesthetic
  • Water passed through scope


  • Home after recovered from anaesthetic and passed urine
  • No driving, alcohol, operating machinery, or signing legal documents for 24 hours
  • Keep someone with you for 24 hours
  • Arrange follow-up


  • Bladder damage (hole)
  • Bleeding (haematuria – normal for a few days)
  • Infection (UTI)
  • Dysuria
  • Urethral stricture
  • Retention
  • May need temporary catheter afterwards
  • Anaesthetic side effects

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  1. Explaining colonoscopy
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