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Sigmoid Volvulus

Background Knowledge 🧠


A twisting of the sigmoid colon around its mesentery, leading to bowel obstruction and potential ischaemia.

Aetiology/Risk Factors

  • Chronic constipation.

  • Neurological or psychiatric conditions.

  • Elderly or institutionalised population.

  • High-fibre diet (observed in some populations).

Clinical Features πŸŒ‘️

Clinical Presentation

  • Abrupt onset of severe abdominal pain.

  • Distension, particularly in the lower abdomen.

  • Constipation and absence of flatus.

  • Vomiting (may become faeculentΒ if not promptly treated).

  • Examination will reveal a tympanitic, tender abdomen.

Investigations πŸ§ͺ


  • Plain abdominal X-ray:

    • β€œCoffee bean” or “omega loop” sign.
    • Distended sigmoid loop pointing to the right upper quadrant.
  • CT Scan:
    • Confirms diagnosis and assess for bowel ischaemia.

  • Blood tests:

    • May show raised white cells, lactate (if ischaemia present).

X-ray showing sigmoid volvulus

Management πŸ₯Ό


  • Initial:Β 

    • Resuscitation with IV fluids.
    • Nasogastric tube insertion to decompress the stomach/GI tract.
    • Antibiotics if signs of systemic infection or ischaemia.
  • Definitive:
    • Endoscopic decompression (sigmoidoscopy):
        • First-line for most patients.

        • May be followed by elective sigmoid colectomy to prevent recurrence.

    • Surgery:
        • Required if there’s suspicion of bowel ischaemia, perforation, or failed non-surgical decompression.

        • Sigmoid colectomy is the procedure of choice.


  • Bowel ischaemia or gangrene.

  • Perforation leading to peritonitis.

  • Recurrence if definitive surgical management is not undertaken.


  • Prompt diagnosis and treatment lead to favourable outcomes.

  • Risk of morbidity and mortality increases with delayed intervention, especially if bowel ischaemia occurs.

Image reference: From the case: 5575

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Which of the following statements is true of sigmoid volvulus?

It occurs in the elderly.

Flatus tubes and/or sigmoidoscopy are useful non-operative interventions.

It causes colicky pain and large bowel obstruction.

Abdominal X-ray reveals a grossly dilated loop of large bowel.

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