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Post-operative Wound Dehiscence

Background Knowledge 🧠


Partial or complete separation of the layers of a surgical wound.

Aetiology/Risk Factors

  • Increased intra-abdominal pressure (e.g., coughing, vomiting)
  • Mechanical stress on the wound
  • Surgical factors (e.g., tension on the wound, inappropriate suture material or technique)
  • Infection at the wound site
  • Malnutrition
  • Steroid use
  • Radiation therapy
  • Underlying diseases (e.g., diabetes, vascular disorders)
  • Smoking

Clinical Features 🌡️

Clinical Presentation

  • Discharge of serosanguinous fluid from the wound.
  • Visible separation of wound edges.
  • Underlying tissues/organs may become exposed.
  • Pain or discomfort around the wound site.
  • Signs of infection (redness, warmth, swelling, purulent discharge).

Management 🥼


  • Protect the wound to prevent further separation and contamination.
  • If minor, secondary healing may be sufficient with dressings and wound care.
  • Significant dehiscence may require surgical intervention (e.g., wound closure, debridement).
  • Systemic antibiotics if there’s evidence of infection.
  • Nutritional support to promote wound healing.
  • Manage underlying conditions that may impede healing (e.g., hyperglycaemia in diabetics).


  • Meticulous surgical technique.
  • Use appropriate sutures and closure techniques.
  • Address and manage risk factors pre-operatively (e.g., improving nutritional status, optimizing blood glucose levels).
  • Post-operative wound care and education (e.g., advising patients to avoid activities that increase intra-abdominal pressure).
  • Early mobilisation post-surgery can help reduce the risk.
  • Proper post-operative pain management (to minimise coughing due to pain).


  • Infection
  • Evisceration (protrusion of internal organs, typically intestines, through the wound)
  • Formation of wound abscess or fistula
  • Prolonged wound healing
  • Scarring
  • Increased hospital stay and associated costs

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