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Background knowledge 🧠


  • Osteomalacia refers to the softening of bones due to defective bone mineralisation.
  • Primarily due to a deficiency of Vitamin D.
  • Otherwise caused by deficiencies of calcium or phosphate.


  • More common in regions with limited sunlightΒ exposure.
  • Often seen in populations with dietary deficiencies.


  • Inadequate mineralisation of osteoid at the bone matrix due to deficiencies in Vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate.
  • Vitamin D deficiency is a primary cause, leading to decreased calcium absorption from the gut.
  • Can also result from malabsorption syndromes, chronic kidney disease, and certain medications.

Clinical Features πŸŒ‘️

Clinical Features

  • Gradual onset of bone pain and muscle weakness, often insidious and generalised.
  • Proximal muscle weakness and difficulty walking.
  • Bone tenderness, particularly in the pelvis and lower spine.
  • Increased risk of fractures, especially in weight-bearing bones.

Investigations πŸ§ͺ


  • Based on clinical presentation, biochemical markers, and radiological findings.
  • Blood tests: Low levels of calcium and phosphate, high alkaline phosphatase, low or normal parathyroid hormone.
  • X-rays may show Looser’s zonesΒ (pseudofractures).
  • Bone biopsy is definitive but rarely required.

Management πŸ₯Ό


  • Oral Vitamin D and calcium supplementation.
  • Addressing risk factors: improving dietary intake, safe sun exposure, managing chronic diseases.
  • In cases due to renal failure, treatment of the underlying renal conditionΒ is crucial.


  • Chronic pain and deformities.
  • Increased susceptibility to fractures (pathological fractures).
  • Potential progression to osteoporosis if left untreated.


  • GoodΒ with early diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
  • Reversal of symptoms and bone strengthening is possible with adequate management.

Key Points

  • Osteomalacia leads to bone softening causing bone pain and muscle weakness.
  • Early detection and management of conditions that can lead to osteomalacia are crucial.
  • Management includes adequate intake and supplementation of Vitamin D and calcium, with regular, safe sun exposure.
  • Patient education and adherence to treatment are key to preventing potential osteoporosis.

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