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Background knowledge 🧠


Benign tumours composed of glandular and stromal breast tissue.


  • Most common benign breast tumours in young women, typically aged 15-35 years.


  • Exact cause unknown, but it’s associated with reproductive hormones, especially oestrogen.
  • Increased incidence in women on hormone therapy, especially during post-menopause.

Clinical Features πŸŒ‘️

Clinical features

  • Palpable lump: Firm, smooth, rubbery, and movable (‘breast mice’) with well-defined edges.
  • Usually painless, but can be tender or painful in some cases.
  • Size can change with menstrual cycle, growing larger and more tender.

Investigations πŸ§ͺ


  • Ultrasound: First-line imaging, especially in women < 40 years. Helps differentiate solid from cystic masses.
  • Biopsy: Core needle or excisional biopsy to confirm diagnosis and rule out malignancy.
  • Mammography: Typically for older women or if there are any atypical features.

Management πŸ₯Ό


  • Observation: Many fibroadenomas remain stable or even shrink over time. Regular monitoring recommended.
  • Surgical excision: Considered if the tumour is large, growing, or causing significant symptoms.
  • Non-surgical treatments: Cryoablation or laser ablation in selected cases.

Key Points

  • Fibroadenomas are benign but need differentiation from malignant breast tumours.
  • They are hormonally responsive and can change in size during menstrual cycles or pregnancy.
  • Regular breast self-examinations are crucial for early detection of any breast lumps.

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A 27-year-old woman presents to the GP with a single lump in the left breast that has been present for 6 months. On examination, there is a 3 cm smooth lump in the upper outer quadrant of the breast that is mobile and not attached to the overlying skin.

What is the most likely diagnosis?

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