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Anaemia from a Gastrointestinal Perspective

Background Knowledge 🧠


Anaemia is defined as a reduction in haemoglobin concentration in the blood, leading to reduced oxygen-carrying capacity.


  • Microcytic: MCV <80 fL

  • Normocytic: MCV 80-100 fL

  • Macrocytic: MCV >100 fL

Gastrointestinal Causes

  • Microcytic Anaemia:

    • Iron-deficiency anaemia: Most commonly due to chronic GI blood loss (e.g. peptic ulcers, colorectal carcinoma, angiodysplasia).

    • Malabsorption of iron: Coeliac disease, atrophic gastritis, and post-gastrectomy.

  • Macrocytic Anaemia:

    • Vitamin B12 deficiency: Often due to pernicious anaemia, gastrectomy, or conditions causing malabsorption like Crohn’s disease affecting the terminal ileum.

    • Folate deficiency: Often due to coeliac disease, medications (e.g. methotrexate), and excessive alcohol intake.

  • Normocytic Anaemia:

    • Chronic disease: Chronic inflammation in conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can lead to anaemia of chronic disease.

    • Acute bleeding: From a ruptured oesophageal varix or diverticular bleed.

Clinical Features πŸŒ‘️

Investigations πŸ§ͺ


  • Full blood count (FBC): Determines type of anaemia.

  • Iron studies: Ferritin, serum iron, total iron-binding capacity (TIBC), transferrin saturation.

  • Endoscopy and colonoscopy: Identify sources of GI bleeding.

  • Coeliac serology: In suspected malabsorption or iron-deficiency anaemia without clear cause.

  • Stool tests: For occult blood.

  • Vitamin B12 and folate levels: To diagnose deficiency.

Management πŸ₯Ό


  • Address underlying cause: Treating peptic ulcers, removing colorectal carcinoma, or starting a gluten-free diet in coeliac disease.

  • Iron supplementation: In iron-deficiency anaemia; consider both oral and intravenous routes.

  • Vitamin B12 and folate supplementation: In their respective deficiencies.

  • Transfusion: May be required in cases of severe or symptomatic anaemia.

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Clinical features of iron-deficiency anaemia include which of the following?

These are a feature of infective endocarditis.

This is a tongue lesion caused by Epstein–Barr virus in immunocompromised patients.

This describes spoon-shaped nails.

Alopecia may occur.

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