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Dealing with strong emotions

Acknowledge it

e.g. β€˜I can imagine you’re feeling very frustrated right now.’

Gather information

and explore what is making them feel that way

Repeat back the reasons

and show empathy, e.g. β€˜It’s understandable in your situation. You’ve been through a lot. You’re worried about your relative, you’ve been told you can’t see them, and you’ve been kept waiting for 2 hours.’

Ask if there is anything else

Ask if there is anything else that’s making them angry/upset?


  • Avoid saying β€˜I understand’ to an angry patient
  • Counter anger with soft, slow speech
  • Ensure you are at their eye level
  • Don’t interrupt an outburst
  • Don’t take offence personally or become defensive (even if the patient/relative is wrong)
  • Demonstrate active listening (eye contact, nodding, verbal acknowledgements, e.g. β€˜Yes’, β€˜I see’, β€˜Mmm’)
  • With an upset patient, silence and long pauses are key
  • You can say you are sorry to hear something happened, but you should not in general admit guilt or apologise unless you have personally made a mistake
  • Try to get the patient seated, ideally with chairs at 90˚ to each other (not head-on)

Responding to cues/questions

  • Cues can be verbal or non-verbal. They may be subtle and the only manifestations of much stronger feelings – the β€˜tip of the iceberg’
  • Dealing with a cue
    • Bounce it back (you must show you have recognised it)
    • Empathise
    • Explore the content of the cue, e.g. β€˜Would it be OK if I asked more about that?’
  • Note, in general, don’t try to solve problems – it may well be that you can’t. Concentrate on listening sympathetically and encouraging the patient to open up.

Practise makes perfect, here’s some OSCE stations to try

  1. Breaking bad news – subfertility
  2. Deceased partner
  3. Breaking bad news – HGV driver with seizure
  4. Child vomiting
  5. Child vomiting II
  6. Surgery cancelled
  7. We have even more here

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