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Thyroid examination


  • Wash hands
  • Introduce self
  • Ask Patientโ€™s name, DOB and what they like to be called
  • Explain examination and obtain consent
  • Sit patient in the middle of the room (so you can stand behind them)
  • Expose patientโ€™s neck

General inspection

  • Patient: well/unwell, anxious/nervous, hot/cold, facial complexion (myxoedematous, flushed), obvious muscle wasting, BMI, obvious thyroid swellings, dry hair/waxy skin
  • Around bed: excess clothes


  • Fine tremor: ask patient to stretch out arms and hands with fingers straight and separated. A tremor is more easily visualised with a sheet of paper resting on top of the patientโ€™s hands (fine tremor = thyrotoxicosis).
  • Nails: thyroid acropachy (Gravesโ€™ disease), onycholysis (thyrotoxicosis)
  • Palms: cold and dry (hypothyroidism), moist and sweaty (thyrotoxicosis), palmar erythema (thyrotoxicosis)
  • Pulse (tachycardia and AF in thyrotoxicosis)


  • Generally: waxy pale skin, hair thinning (including lateral third of eyebrows), myxoedema* (all signs of hypothyroidism)
  • Eyes (all signs of thyrotoxicosis)
    • Lid retraction of upper eye-lid 
    • Exophthalmos (sclera visible above and below iris)
    • Proptosis (forward protrusion of eye; inspect from above and side)
    • Chemosis/conjunctival oedema 
  • Extra-ocular muscles:
    • Perform H-test and ask about diplopia to test for ophthalmoplegia
    • Test central vertical eye movement (โ€˜lid lagโ€™ on downward vertical gaze = thyrotoxicosis)



Inspect from anteriorly

  • Swellings and scars
  • Ask patient to swallow (thyroid andย thyroglossal cysts move on swallowing)
  • Stick out tongue (thyroglossal cysts move on tongue protrusion)
  • Place their hands above their head (Pembertonโ€™s sign = retrosternal goitre compressesย superior vena cavaย and results in venous congestion)


Palpate from posteriorly

  • Palpate thyroid gland (over 2nd, 3rdย and 4thย tracheal cartilages), including feel while patient swallows and sticks out tongue
  • Full cervical lymph node exam


Percuss over sternum for retrosternal goitre


Auscultate forย thyroid bruit over each lobe


  • Proximal myopathy: test resisted shoulder abduction, then ask patient to stand up from chair with arms crossed (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism)
  • Reflexes (brisk in hyperthyroidism; slow-relaxing in hypothyroidism)
  • Look for pretibial myxoedema (Gravesโ€™ disease)

To complete

  • Thank patient
  • Summarise and suggest further investigations you would consider after a full history (e.g. TFTs, thyroid USS)


What pathological conditions are associated with an abnormal thyroid exam?

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Please state 5 clinical signs linked to hyperthyroidism?

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What are the clinical signs specific to Gravesโ€™ disease?

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How do thyroglossal cysts form? How could you confirm a lesion is a thyroglossal cyst on clinical examination?

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Why may Gravesโ€™ disease cause a bruit when auscultating the thyroid gland?

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Now you’re ready for some OSCE stations!

  1. Normal thyroid exam
  2. Graves’ disease
  3. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  4. Our subscribers enjoy hundreds of stations!

Picture references

Exophthalmos: Jonathan Trobe, M.D. University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center. The Eyes Have It 2011. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license ( Sourced from:

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