Follow usual ABCDE approach if critically ill.
Calculate the PE Wells score to predict the likelihood of PE. This score takes into account risk factors (recent surgery/immobility, previous VTE, cancer), symptoms of VTE (DVT symptoms, HR, haemoptysis), and the likelihood of alternative diagnosis (Wells et al. 2001).
A patient presents to ED with chest pain and this trace. What would you do?
Interpretation management
Usually given initially in larger PEs until vital signs have normalised, incase patient deteriorates and thrombolysis is required (DOAC is relative contraindication). Not usually used long term because patient will have to give daily self-injections.
Most commonly used anticoagulation. Rivaroxaban and apixaban are preferred and have loading doses; edoxaban and dabigatran do not have loading doses and so are started after 5 days of LMWH.
Usually used where DOACs are contraindicated (e.g. renal impairment, body weight >120kg). If using warfarin, continue LMWH until had β₯5 days dual therapyΒ andΒ is INR 2-3.
NB: thrombolysis is followed by an unfractionated heparin infusion. If thrombolysis is contraindicated or fails, other options such as IR-guided mechanical thrombectomy can be considered.
List 4 DOACs and their mechanism of action
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Which drug is used for thrombolysis?
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What are the risks of thrombolysis?
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