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Tenckhoff catheter and peritoneal dialysis

A Tenckhoff catheter is a catheter placed through the abdominal wall that provides access to the peritoneum. It is used to perform peritoneal dialysis.

Diagram of peritoneal dialysis
Cycle of catheter use

Examining a Tenckhoff catheter


  • General inspection
    • PatientΒ well/unwell
    • In pain
  • Abdomen
    • Signs of acute abdomen/peritonitis
    • Scars
  • Tenckhoff catheter
    • Patency
    • Signs of inflammation


  • Abdomen
    • Brief abdominal exam to determine if any signs of peritonitis or areas of tenderness
  • Skin around catheter
    • Temperature
    • Swelling
Tenckhoff catheter

Viva questions about peritoneal dialysis

What are the different types?

  • Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis:Β patient replaces peritoneal dialysate manually with fluid bags 3-5 times daily (each exchange takes 30-40 minutes)
  • Automated peritoneal dialysis:Β machine automatically replaces peritoneal dialysate overnight (over 8-10 hours)

What are the contraindications?

  • Peritoneal adhesions
  • Stoma
  • Hernias
  • Inflammatory bowel disease

What are the complications?

  • Peritonitis
  • Infection around catheter site
  • Constipation
  • Catheter malposition
  • Fluid leaks
  • Hernias
  • Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis
  • Weight gain

What are the advantages?

  • Can be done at home
  • Dialysis fluid can be delivered to patient’s home
  • Easier to travel/go on holiday
  • Fewer restrictions on diet and fluid intake

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